I reporting this as Hearsay since I DIDN'T get to GO! I had to stay home with Grandma yellin at me and Oreo, cuase we were in HER way all day. What's a Landseer supposed ta do? The coolest place was the entrance to the Kitchen since the door was open and the cool breeze was commin in. After all I want cool!
Any ways Dad and Mom took Tigger to the North Central Regional Speciality. She got to show in the 12-15 month puppy class. Now I'm still not sure what Tigger Shows in class, it's confusing. But she musta impressed the judge some, as she got a 4th place, which Dad was sayin wuz good as the Judge was not know to put-up (whatever that is) those type of Newf Lines. So she did ok. Her and Ethel then went to the CERF and Tigger also went to the Cardio Clinic. Now I've been confuzed fer years, since I've done CERF several times. I really don't get it! There's no water, no waves, nothing, it's dark and they put this junk in your eyes that makes it really bright. Then they shines a lite in your eye, sorry I don'tz git it. Anywho, Tigger had Excellent so I guess that's good. Then she had a Cardio exam. Apparently she passed the test, so that was OK. Dad told Mom he has to send the test resulkts to the OFA. I'm also not too sure what Offa is but my stuff gotz sended their too. Dad let me post a couple of Pictures of Tigger.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Well Guys, My Daddy, has been a Baaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddd Daddy. He’s been keepin me from Da computer, So’se I kan’t post. I knkow, I probably should git my own puter, but I’m saving my Bones fer a swimming poolz and that’s pretty important to us Newfies!
So anyway I has a lot of katching-up to do. Let’s see where to start? Oh I know, I’ll start with the pest - Tigger. I know she’s my little sister, and she let me moov up the Seniority ladder, so I probably should cut her some slack.
Anyway, she’s been a busy little puppy, since she came here. In a way she’s little miss “Special.” I mean Mom and Dad are always taking her to Shows, and she gets special treatment too. But I guess she’s doin OK, cause she has been bringing home the Blue and Multi-colored ribbons that the Judge-guy (or girl, after all I don’t want to sound like I don’t like Girls) gives her. She even gets her picture taken with Judges. So I guess that’s pretty OK. In fact I’ll show u some:
See what I mean? Then they call her Winners Reserve Bitch. Now I’m not into labeling Hoomans or other Newfies, but calling my sister a “Bitch???” I was getting pretty PO’ed about that, until I heard Dad telling a friend that it was what they call girl Newfs, so I settled down. Afterall I’m Mr. Smooch, a Lover, not a butt-kicker, so I was relieved that I didn’t half-ta go kick a butt. I still didn’t get what Winners Reserve was all about. Then she brought one Home that said “Best of Opposite.” Opposite What? I wondered. Was she opposite something and was the best at it? I donno, I’m kornfused??!!?? Any who, the only benefit I see of her goin to these, is I get almost the whole day, without her swiping my toys and more importantly my squeaky ball.
In addition to this, she had her 1st Boofday on the 1st of March. Now that was cool, as we had a party! Joan, Tiggers Breeder came, Auntie Janet (Mom of Tiggers “Boyfriend” Murphy), and Auntie Darlene, Grandma were there. We had hamburgers for lunch (smacky, smack!), and there were two cakes, one for us all by ourselves, and one for the Hoomans. Our cakey was bone shaped and had a yummy frosting on it. The hooman one, looked like Tigger from Disney. I guess it was some kind of jokey or something, cause of Tigger’s name. But Tigger scarfed loot! She was like na-na-nanana! I thought that was rude, but she let us play with them too. She got the pastel colored wormy thing, a Kong Wobbler (it’s way-a-mundo Cool!!!) and some snackies among other things. So overall, it was an OK day,as we got some really good cakey!
Tigger is also getting to be a big girl. Dad took her last Sunday to Weigh her. WOW 112.8lbs! She’s putting on the tonnage! I mean I’m about a manly 125lbs, but she weighs more than Ethel now, and is close to Oreo (116)! Man Tonnage! I do admit she is very purportional, so I guess it’s OK. So enough about Tigger.
On a sad note, I lost my Luci, my grow-up Mommy. She got Cancer. I was very sad to say the least. She taught me lot’s of stuff. How to go up and down the stairs, not to have poopy and pee accidents when I was little. Kept me in line. Taught me how cool it was to snuggle on the bed. I’ll miss you Mommy Luci, sniff Sniff! I’ll see you at the Bridge one day.
Picture of Luci
On to Oreo. Oreo, like to stay home, but before Christmas, she went to meet other Newfs, and did a Christmas Tree Pull. Apparently she had a great time, and pulled lots of trees for people, but she didn’t bring any home with her. I thought at least she’d bring me my own tree. I could have had a blast tinkleing on it! Oh well, maybe next Christmas.
Photo Oreo
Ethel has been up to her usual stuff. Training for her Water Rescue Dog Title, Something new called “Nosework.” From what I’m hearin, you go around and sniff boxes and stuff and find cookies. Now THAT’S THE SPORT FOR ME!!!!!! I know I could do that without any training. Of course that was the thing, I could’nt figure out why you would have to train for something Newfies do anyway??!!?? I donno, but it’s Ethel’s thing.
Well that’s enough for now, I’ll try and think of more stuff to talk about. TTFN!!
I'm going to have dad update the other photos we he gets home.
I'm going to have dad update the other photos we he gets home.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
JACKPOT!!!!!!! I'm no longer on the bottom of the fod chain. My sisters can no longer lord it over me that I'm the "Baby" or "You're L A S T!!!!! Na NaNana!!!!!!" I can officially announce I have a Little SISTER!!!!
Man this is great! Last week end Mom and Dad went to Auntie Joan's (Since the little pest came from Joan, she's my Auntie now). ( See what becomming tutored can do for you sssswwwwwwoooooooooossshhh! yer brain works so fast, I figured that out in 3.4 seconds!) Anyway, they went to Auntie Joan's, and were gone for a while, I even had time for a nappie too! hen they came back, they had an extra item. My new Sister! Ethel, Oreo, and Luci were "Crapola!!! What the heck is this!!!???!!! Mom said :this is TIGGER!" Well I tell you Mom must have been confused, cause the Tigger I know is Orange and has Black stripes, and Bounces a lot. Now I admit the "tigger " in front of me was a bouncin, but that was about it, I mean that was one heck of a black stripe, it covered her entirely. But she came over to me, and gave me a smooch, so I knew she would be OK, as I figured she musta heard about me being Mr. Smooch, so I immediately cut her some slack, and took her under my wing so to speak.
So introducting to all you'ze guys:
Blachwatch's Desilu I'm the Only One! Call Name: Tigger
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ethel the Water Girl!
AND IN OTHER NEWS.........................................My sister Ethel is in the News AGAIN! She is now Officially Ethel May Dakota Bear Meeker WD RAE TDI CGC. She earned her Water Dog Title at the North Central Newfoundland Club, at Muskego Park, in Muskego, WI on 19 September 2010. Some Nice Ladies were here Judges, a Lori Littlefield, and Sue Mareno. They really liked her test and even commented on here Judge Sheet Thing about how good she was. Dad Had Someone help by taking Pictures, so you can see for yourself. One thing though, boy when she came home it was nah-nah-Nah-Nah-NAH! all evening. Luci, Oreo, and I were sick of it, but what could you do, after all it is sorta a big deal. And then we really got scroggd, she GOT FRESH COOKED PACIFIC SALMON FOR DINNER. Not only was that bad, but we GOT BUPKISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well that's not exactly the truth, we did get some, BUT HER'S WAS THREE TIMES AS BIG AS OUR PIECES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now let me ask you is that fair?
Well anyway, my tummy aside, she did have some nice pictures:
Single Retrieve:

Drop Article Retrieve:

Take A Line:
Tow A Boat:
Swim With Handler:

The Hug!:
Well anyway, my tummy aside, she did have some nice pictures:
Single Retrieve:
Drop Article Retrieve:

Take A Line:
The Hug!:
So I guess she has Bragging Rights for a couple of weeeks after all!
I'm an Entrooper Guy
Well all I can say is Mr. Smooch the World's Greatest Smoocher is no slouch when it comes to promoting my world wide acclaimed Smoochin abilities. I mean, after all, what's a smoochin guy like me tryin to do, but get smoochin gigs, and spread the word on my atflectic prowess. So I am officially annoucin that I'se is marketing myself. It's not jus crass commercialism, as any smoochin monies goes to the Newfoundland Club of America for less fortunate Newfies, who for whatever reason, aern't as famous as "Mr. Smooch." Since I have now marked my trade (or something like that), I can officially B-Smooch people. I was told that at this market you can get shirts and stuff. At first I was really excited that I would have my own Market, until I found out it has no Fud in it. Boy was I disappointed.
Well anyway, please check it out and let me know what you think. Oh Yeah, Dad told me their are other Newfies in it, but I know that's so I don't get a big head. So TTFN! I'll look forward to hearin from Yer.
You Pal;
Mr. Smooch (aka - Ricky)
Here's the place: http://www.cafepress.com/NewfieNutHouse
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Well Guys, I know I have been slacking lately on keeping you up on my smoochin adventures, and other stuff going on at the house. If you remember, my sister Ethel is a mighty busy girl. I’m gonna start at the Newfie Nationals and go on from there.
We all drove up to Frankenmuth, MI, for the 2010 Newfoundland Club of America’s National Specialty. Now I was unaware that I was a member of a Newfoundland

Oreo, has always been the Princess around the house. Sometimes, I think she’s a pain in the……………Uh well, you know……….. Anyway, she was entered in Rally novice, which even I think I could do standing on my head. Oreo on the other hand likes to train and prance around the ring, but not when the Judges are there. She thinks that she does not need to be judged, so she does all kind of silly things in the ring. I mean after all 27 times of trying to get the title, you would think that Judges would tell her “OK, let’s just g
et through this.”

But........... Noooooooooooooo……………………..,Oreo has to be a “smarty Pants and goof around. Well she surprised Dad on Tuesday, by scoring an 88, her best even score, and earning her Rally Novice Title. I think Dad was going to faint! Apparently Dad was so excited he gave Oreo about ten minutes of hugs and smoochies. Oreo also got her picture taken and a toy for going in the ring. She wouldn’t let me have the toy, and usually she does not care for stuffies, so she lets me kill-em for her. But she kept this one. So now Oreo gets to be Mrs. Trumble’s Oreo Cookie RN. Now I didn’t know passing some test in the ring, make you a Registered Nurse, but apparently so. Anywho, it will be nice to have a Nurse in the family, in case of emergencies, and stuff like that.
I had a great time! I got to smooch about 1,000 people, and had a blast. My smooch-o-meter pegged out at 97%. This meant that I smooched 97% of the people there, including the people that worked there!
So that’s their stories from the National. We had a nice drive home, in which I got to have two smoochin sessions on the way home, at what they called “Rest Stops.” I did not understand why they call it that, I mean I didn’t get to rest even though we were stopped. Sometimes I don’t understand why you people call things what you do. It doesn’t make newfy- sense to me.
So the next thing I want to talk about is Swimmin! Again it’s mostly about Ethel. You know, I’ve had a talk with Mom & Dad about this. I mean after all, I’m getting gyped! Ethel gets to do all the cool things, and I get bupkiss! Then on top of it, when they see the error of their ways, I find out that Oreo gets to go too! Man, when can a guy get a break! I mean after all, I complained, I get satisfaction, then I get scrooged, by havin to drag Oreo along too!
Ethel gets to go Water Training for her WD (Water Dog Title) every week. I guess that will be OK, in case someone is drowning, or having problems in the water. Personally, I know any Newfie, knows how to save people in the water, so I really don’t get why you have to:
Practice – Why do you have to practice to do something that all Newfies know how to do anyway? But Dad says she needs to. He said there was a test or somthin?
Practice – Why do you have to practice to do something that all Newfies know how to do anyway? But Dad says she needs to. He said there was a test or somthin?
Test – Why can’t we all take the test? I mean since I lost my bowling balls, I have the IQ of Einstien now, so test-takin is right up my alley, so that should be no big Deal. And on top of that, why test to do somthin that is Jean-net-tick-ly en-grained in2 Newfies?
So now one of us, either me or Oreo, gets to go with every week, so we can swim, and goof around while Ethel has to work. Boy who got scrooged here? Man Ethel has to work, while we get to play and goof around in the water. I know who got the best deal here! Suck eggs Ethel!
Now don’t get me wrong, she is doing really well, for what she is doing. I just don’t see the need to do it, and then take a test. I mean com-mon guys, were NEWFIES, and Newfies go in the WATER! Duh!!! Not Rocket Science here folks. But if that’s what trips Dad’s and Ethel’s trip-l-a-tor, then I guess it’s OK, but it sure does seem silly to me!
Now don’t get me wrong, she is doing really well, for what she is doing. I just don’t see the need to do it, and then take a test. I mean com-mon guys, were NEWFIES, and Newfies go in the WATER! Duh!!! Not Rocket Science here folks. But if that’s what trips Dad’s and Ethel’s trip-l-a-tor, then I guess it’s OK, but it sure does seem silly to me!
Hopefuly in September, she will pass her test, and then all this foolishness will be over.
Now onto really cool stuff. In July, Libertyville, IL had the “Dog Days of Summer.” Now that sounded like a cool thing. Dad said we would get to go INTO the STORES, and they would have cool loot for us. Dad said he had found an event for me too! Somthin called “Dock Divin.” Wow, I didn’t know what it was, but it sounded like fun! So we went, I was kinda disappointed cause Ehtel came too, but I figured, I couldn’t suck up all of the pets to be had, but I also figured I could corner the market on all of the smoochin though, as Ethel is not “Mr. Smooch, the World’s Most Famous Smoochewr”! I did have a great day, and excelled in smooching the people there. Then I found out about Dock Diving. I guess you stand on this long board thing that has carpet on it. You run along it and go swimming! Well, HEY! That was for me! After a while they called for the group I was in. And soon it was our turn. I climbed up some stairs and stood on the Board thing. The we ran up to the pool, and I stopped. I mean Dad stopped too, so I figured I was supposed to stop too. I mean wouldn’t you??? So back to the end of the board we go, and run up to the pool again. Well if Dad wasn’t going on the pool, neither was I. Now I’m not really sure why I was thinkin this, cause I really wanted to go in the pool. I I got to putting my Einstien-e-ian brainb to it, and figured out that maybe I was supposed to go in the pool, and Dad wasn’t. So we go back one more time, and this time
I jump in! MAN WAS IT GREAT!!!!!!!!! It was really hot that day, and the water was soooooooooooooooooooooo………………………COOL! I was havin a great time! Dad was callin me, but it was too nice to get out. Then some other guys wanted me to get out. I figured out that if I stayed in the middle I could swim, and they couldn’t get me. But finally I could see tey were serious, so I came out. It was then that I found out that another dog wanted his swimming time. Then I felt a little bad, cause I did not want to gyp him out of his pool time.
Now onto really cool stuff. In July, Libertyville, IL had the “Dog Days of Summer.” Now that sounded like a cool thing. Dad said we would get to go INTO the STORES, and they would have cool loot for us. Dad said he had found an event for me too! Somthin called “Dock Divin.” Wow, I didn’t know what it was, but it sounded like fun! So we went, I was kinda disappointed cause Ehtel came too, but I figured, I couldn’t suck up all of the pets to be had, but I also figured I could corner the market on all of the smoochin though, as Ethel is not “Mr. Smooch, the World’s Most Famous Smoochewr”! I did have a great day, and excelled in smooching the people there. Then I found out about Dock Diving. I guess you stand on this long board thing that has carpet on it. You run along it and go swimming! Well, HEY! That was for me! After a while they called for the group I was in. And soon it was our turn. I climbed up some stairs and stood on the Board thing. The we ran up to the pool, and I stopped. I mean Dad stopped too, so I figured I was supposed to stop too. I mean wouldn’t you??? So back to the end of the board we go, and run up to the pool again. Well if Dad wasn’t going on the pool, neither was I. Now I’m not really sure why I was thinkin this, cause I really wanted to go in the pool. I I got to putting my Einstien-e-ian brainb to it, and figured out that maybe I was supposed to go in the pool, and Dad wasn’t. So we go back one more time, and this time

We hung out for a while longer, then I found out that I WON A RIBBON!!!!!!!!!!! WOW HOW COOL!!! I have never won a ribbon before in my life, and always thought when Ethel brought one home, that it was silly, but now I HAD ONE! Now I understand why she was always Nah-Nah-NANA-NAH!!!!!! When she came home. I get it now. BTW Dad hung my ribbon right by Ethel’s, and it looks really cool where it is at. Dad said he was gonna put it in a frame with a picture of me jumpin in the water. COOL! I can’t wait. So now I’ma Dock Divin Dog! Hey maybe a song could be made out of that! “I’ma Dock Divin Dog, I’m not a big hog!, I’m just a Dock Divin Dog…………………of somthin like that. So tha’t kinda what’s go-in on around here. I know there’s some other junk I forgetted about, but, when I’s remembers it, I’ll post again.
Till Next Time;
Your Buddy;
Mr. Smooch (Or as my friend Marlis in Nova Scotia call me; Mr. Smoochies)
Mr. Smooch (Or as my friend Marlis in Nova Scotia call me; Mr. Smoochies)
Hey I kinda like that!
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hi Guys;
Ricky here, yes I know it’s been a while, but things have been hectic here, and well, I just sorta ran out of time, to update things for you. First it’s been an exciting few months for me. Lot’s of things have happened to me and the family, that I almost don’t know where to start. I think I will cheat some, and copy some posts from my other favorite place to be; “Newf Net.” That will save me some word thinking and I know you know, that my paws get tired trying to type on this keyboard, since it’s designed for people and not Newfs.
First I’m going to post about “Bowling Balls.” Yup that’s right, bowling balls. I posted this on Newf Net a little while ago, and I didn’t get a whole lot of help, though I did get sympathy from a lot of Newfies, and people. So hear goes:
Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!! Help me!
Guys, this is Ricky. I need someone to HELP ME!!!!!! Everything was OK this morning when I got up cause Dad had to go to his new job. Well....at least I though so.First, I didn't get my usual gallon of water, which, while important, wasn't the end of the world. Then........NO SNACKY or breaskfast!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck????? I think.So Dad's leaving for work, and he calls me. Well I thought this was great, cause I thunked that Dad and me were going out to breaskfast or it was take a handsome smoochin machine to work day, or somthin like that.So after a while, I notice that we pull into the parking place when my favorite Doggy Doctor is (he has these great snackies). I didn't think mucxh of that cause we go there to use the big scale all the time. BTW I'm 108 lbs of slim trim smoochin machine (eat your heart out Nanook!). So I get weighed, and then Margureet (she's my special smoochin Vet Tech), comes and gets me. She tells Dad that they'll call when I'm ready. So I ask "What-do-you-mean-When-I'm-Ready???? Dad says that I'm going to have my bowling balls CHOPPED OFF!!!!!!!!, and have my hips and elbows xrayed.What ta HECK! does that mean???? I'm tellin ya, I'm sorta nervous now! I didn't even know, I knew how to bowl! Anyway, I'm askin for some help here. I understand the xray thing Mom & Dad have a T Shirt with a Landseer and an Xray, so I get that, but this Bowling Ball thing, I jus doan get! So I think I need someone to come and rescue me. PLEASE!!!! Now I'm wondering why Dad handed Margureet a pair of Underware that belongs to some guy named Calvin?
These were some of da replies I received, mostly from other Newfies:
Poor Ricky! You're not that dog who rides off in the car (taunting yer buddies) saying "Nah-nah, I'm going to get Tutored, and you're noooottt!", are ya?What a nasty surprise this is going to be for you. I think dad could have at least prepared you for what was about to happen, and given some reassurances that the ladies will still love ya.We'll still love ya, Ricky.signed,Maggie, Lucy, and Brenna
Dear Ricky - I don't know what ta tell ya, buddy. You'll still be able to smooch tho'...
Dear Ricky, I hear that this whole bowling ball removal thing, in the end, turns out ok. I'll be praying for you. Let me know how it goes. I may be having my bowling balls chopped before long.Best,Boaz
Commander Murph here.. Man up Ricky.. The whining does not befit one of my top soldiers. Yer cryin like a girl for Dawg sake.. Anyway Dude. I lost my bowling balls and we all know the ladies still love me.
Bowlin' balls are just baggage, Buddy!~Mom says testosterone causes brain damage anyway; so maybe you're better off without 'em? The Tugster...
I hear that once they are removed I'll be able to think with my top head again when I'm older. They say I'm a movie star pin-up boy and will be shown and be a Champion so they are not planning to mess with my family jewel bowling balls but I'm also going to be a service dog so my balls' future is up in the air. They say it will depend on how I behave and if I become so much of a Champion that ppl will line up to solicit my bowling balls' services. Ricky, do you have any idea why your human pack units are relieving you of those bowling balls? Has your personality changed? Are you randy roamin? Orka, 10 weeks old today and concerned, giving them a reassuring lick
Ricky, those things really do drain the brain. My human dad and brother have them and they aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack. Just go nighty night and you'll wake up smarter.
I knowz how you feelz, da mama did this to me and I lost everything, nothing left , the vet techie stole them .felling your pain Beau
OMG Ricky, that was a nasty surprise............i hope you will feel better tonight from Annabelle. Tessa and KatyHey he will be two stone lighter Ronnie
Deer Ricky,Dude, it will be okay. Chicks will still dig you, I promise. Fer the next foo days be sure to roll over and show yer people yer ouchy underside. It will get you extra lovins and maybe even some extra treets.Oh, and remind yer dad to stop and get you some bags of froze peas. Don't ask..you will find out why sune enuf.Gabriel
Now I mean that was a nice response from a lot of my Newf friends. I didn’t include the ones, where some of the girls laughed at me, but I took it as “That’s a Girl Thing.”
Since everyone really was supportive I wrote back and replied:
An Open letter from Ricky; First off I'm fine, I don't understand what the fuss was about. I was told that I was a very good boy by all the Vet Tech, and I got plenty of hugs from them (they are all girls, so it was a bouns day, as I SMOOCHED THAM ALL!Hello everyone! I just wanted you all to know how proud I am of my Dad.He is the best. Now I understand why he took me to the Vet yesterday.He was having me Tutored! I'm tellin you I'm so smart now, I almostcan't stand it.When I came home I was sorta tired, and not really hungry. I'm not sureexactly why, but I was told it had to do with the Tutoring. I alsofound myself when I woke up wearing someone named Calvin's underware. Idon't know who this Calvin guy is, but he does have taste, and a fashionsense.My sister Oreo also knows how smart I am. I told her I was Tutored, andthen jumped up on her back. She fell to the floor and with all fourlegs in the air was laughing so hard, cause I knew she was thinkingabout how jealous all the other dogs would be knowing I was Tutored andnow super smart.So far everything's OK with being a super brain, but I noticed when Iwalk, I don't have that big bag between my legs bouncing back and forthwhen I walk. It's sorta distracting, but with the "Calvin's" (at leastthat's what I call them), I can now store a bag of ice there, so it'skinda convenient. I heard Mom saying something about frozen peas, personally I like Limas better, but what-da-hey!Anyway, I got off the subject. I just wanted to let everyone know howcool my Dad is and Mom too.Signed;RickyMr. Smooch - The Worlds Greatest SmoocherSuper Brain - Tutored for smartness!Receiver of extra treats and lotsa girl hugs!
PS - Anyone want to know the value of Pi?
So anyway that’s the story of how I replaced Albert Einstein as the Smartest Newf in the World! I’m telling ya, Tutoring pay off!
OK, Now on to my Sister Ethel. She just recently earned her Rally Advanced Excellent Title. I’m proud of her! Since finished her Title with an Advanced B score of 95, and then went on to score a 95 in Excellent B! WhooHoo for her. She was nice enough to share her special dinner snacky with me, and the rest of the guys. We had both Fresh Pacific Salmon, and a Filet! Wow-wee! That was sure yummy on my tummy!!!!! Sorry I don’t have a photo of that, but Dad said they didn’t really come out well, as they were taken with a camera phone. Her next trials are at the Newfoundland Club of America National Speciality in Frankenmuth, MI. I get to go also, due to my fans requesting my appearance, so I can have a smoochin booth, and get my quota of smoochin in for the month. You know guys, Mr. Smooch, the Worlds Greatest Smoocher is a very time consuming career. It takes a lot of dedication to be Mr. Smooch. I mean you never know when or where a smoochin opportunity will take place, or even when an adoring fan will recognize me when I’m out and about. Ya know, sometimes sunglasses do not conceal your identity.
But I digress, I have a bunch more to fill you in on, but I think this is enough for today. I promise to post more often, and give you lots more photos soon.
Your Pal;
Ricky here, yes I know it’s been a while, but things have been hectic here, and well, I just sorta ran out of time, to update things for you. First it’s been an exciting few months for me. Lot’s of things have happened to me and the family, that I almost don’t know where to start. I think I will cheat some, and copy some posts from my other favorite place to be; “Newf Net.” That will save me some word thinking and I know you know, that my paws get tired trying to type on this keyboard, since it’s designed for people and not Newfs.
First I’m going to post about “Bowling Balls.” Yup that’s right, bowling balls. I posted this on Newf Net a little while ago, and I didn’t get a whole lot of help, though I did get sympathy from a lot of Newfies, and people. So hear goes:
Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!! Help me!
Guys, this is Ricky. I need someone to HELP ME!!!!!! Everything was OK this morning when I got up cause Dad had to go to his new job. Well....at least I though so.First, I didn't get my usual gallon of water, which, while important, wasn't the end of the world. Then........NO SNACKY or breaskfast!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck????? I think.So Dad's leaving for work, and he calls me. Well I thought this was great, cause I thunked that Dad and me were going out to breaskfast or it was take a handsome smoochin machine to work day, or somthin like that.So after a while, I notice that we pull into the parking place when my favorite Doggy Doctor is (he has these great snackies). I didn't think mucxh of that cause we go there to use the big scale all the time. BTW I'm 108 lbs of slim trim smoochin machine (eat your heart out Nanook!). So I get weighed, and then Margureet (she's my special smoochin Vet Tech), comes and gets me. She tells Dad that they'll call when I'm ready. So I ask "What-do-you-mean-When-I'm-Ready???? Dad says that I'm going to have my bowling balls CHOPPED OFF!!!!!!!!, and have my hips and elbows xrayed.What ta HECK! does that mean???? I'm tellin ya, I'm sorta nervous now! I didn't even know, I knew how to bowl! Anyway, I'm askin for some help here. I understand the xray thing Mom & Dad have a T Shirt with a Landseer and an Xray, so I get that, but this Bowling Ball thing, I jus doan get! So I think I need someone to come and rescue me. PLEASE!!!! Now I'm wondering why Dad handed Margureet a pair of Underware that belongs to some guy named Calvin?
These were some of da replies I received, mostly from other Newfies:
Poor Ricky! You're not that dog who rides off in the car (taunting yer buddies) saying "Nah-nah, I'm going to get Tutored, and you're noooottt!", are ya?What a nasty surprise this is going to be for you. I think dad could have at least prepared you for what was about to happen, and given some reassurances that the ladies will still love ya.We'll still love ya, Ricky.signed,Maggie, Lucy, and Brenna
Dear Ricky - I don't know what ta tell ya, buddy. You'll still be able to smooch tho'...
Dear Ricky, I hear that this whole bowling ball removal thing, in the end, turns out ok. I'll be praying for you. Let me know how it goes. I may be having my bowling balls chopped before long.Best,Boaz
Commander Murph here.. Man up Ricky.. The whining does not befit one of my top soldiers. Yer cryin like a girl for Dawg sake.. Anyway Dude. I lost my bowling balls and we all know the ladies still love me.
Bowlin' balls are just baggage, Buddy!~Mom says testosterone causes brain damage anyway; so maybe you're better off without 'em? The Tugster...
I hear that once they are removed I'll be able to think with my top head again when I'm older. They say I'm a movie star pin-up boy and will be shown and be a Champion so they are not planning to mess with my family jewel bowling balls but I'm also going to be a service dog so my balls' future is up in the air. They say it will depend on how I behave and if I become so much of a Champion that ppl will line up to solicit my bowling balls' services. Ricky, do you have any idea why your human pack units are relieving you of those bowling balls? Has your personality changed? Are you randy roamin? Orka, 10 weeks old today and concerned, giving them a reassuring lick
Ricky, those things really do drain the brain. My human dad and brother have them and they aren't the brightest bulbs in the pack. Just go nighty night and you'll wake up smarter.
I knowz how you feelz, da mama did this to me and I lost everything, nothing left , the vet techie stole them .felling your pain Beau
OMG Ricky, that was a nasty surprise............i hope you will feel better tonight from Annabelle. Tessa and KatyHey he will be two stone lighter Ronnie
Deer Ricky,Dude, it will be okay. Chicks will still dig you, I promise. Fer the next foo days be sure to roll over and show yer people yer ouchy underside. It will get you extra lovins and maybe even some extra treets.Oh, and remind yer dad to stop and get you some bags of froze peas. Don't ask..you will find out why sune enuf.Gabriel
Now I mean that was a nice response from a lot of my Newf friends. I didn’t include the ones, where some of the girls laughed at me, but I took it as “That’s a Girl Thing.”
Since everyone really was supportive I wrote back and replied:
An Open letter from Ricky; First off I'm fine, I don't understand what the fuss was about. I was told that I was a very good boy by all the Vet Tech, and I got plenty of hugs from them (they are all girls, so it was a bouns day, as I SMOOCHED THAM ALL!Hello everyone! I just wanted you all to know how proud I am of my Dad.He is the best. Now I understand why he took me to the Vet yesterday.He was having me Tutored! I'm tellin you I'm so smart now, I almostcan't stand it.When I came home I was sorta tired, and not really hungry. I'm not sureexactly why, but I was told it had to do with the Tutoring. I alsofound myself when I woke up wearing someone named Calvin's underware. Idon't know who this Calvin guy is, but he does have taste, and a fashionsense.My sister Oreo also knows how smart I am. I told her I was Tutored, andthen jumped up on her back. She fell to the floor and with all fourlegs in the air was laughing so hard, cause I knew she was thinkingabout how jealous all the other dogs would be knowing I was Tutored andnow super smart.So far everything's OK with being a super brain, but I noticed when Iwalk, I don't have that big bag between my legs bouncing back and forthwhen I walk. It's sorta distracting, but with the "Calvin's" (at leastthat's what I call them), I can now store a bag of ice there, so it'skinda convenient. I heard Mom saying something about frozen peas, personally I like Limas better, but what-da-hey!Anyway, I got off the subject. I just wanted to let everyone know howcool my Dad is and Mom too.Signed;RickyMr. Smooch - The Worlds Greatest SmoocherSuper Brain - Tutored for smartness!Receiver of extra treats and lotsa girl hugs!
PS - Anyone want to know the value of Pi?
So anyway that’s the story of how I replaced Albert Einstein as the Smartest Newf in the World! I’m telling ya, Tutoring pay off!
OK, Now on to my Sister Ethel. She just recently earned her Rally Advanced Excellent Title. I’m proud of her! Since finished her Title with an Advanced B score of 95, and then went on to score a 95 in Excellent B! WhooHoo for her. She was nice enough to share her special dinner snacky with me, and the rest of the guys. We had both Fresh Pacific Salmon, and a Filet! Wow-wee! That was sure yummy on my tummy!!!!! Sorry I don’t have a photo of that, but Dad said they didn’t really come out well, as they were taken with a camera phone. Her next trials are at the Newfoundland Club of America National Speciality in Frankenmuth, MI. I get to go also, due to my fans requesting my appearance, so I can have a smoochin booth, and get my quota of smoochin in for the month. You know guys, Mr. Smooch, the Worlds Greatest Smoocher is a very time consuming career. It takes a lot of dedication to be Mr. Smooch. I mean you never know when or where a smoochin opportunity will take place, or even when an adoring fan will recognize me when I’m out and about. Ya know, sometimes sunglasses do not conceal your identity.
But I digress, I have a bunch more to fill you in on, but I think this is enough for today. I promise to post more often, and give you lots more photos soon.
Your Pal;
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